My Kloud Experience

Even though I have been thrilled with the benefits I've seen using a BEMER for both me and my horses (and customers and family members!) I was very intrigued when I learned about Kloud. It really is on a whole new level of PEMF - so they've coined a new acronym PEMA either standing for Pulsed Electro Magnetic Amplitude or Activation because it is able to energize your body's molecules in ways that support or even increase your body's ability to heal and get stronger.

I just got my first Kloud set and right now, I am sharing with a friend who really needs the technology so she can decide when to pull the trigger and buy her own for herself and her horse. So I am using the Kloud Mini while my friend is using the Maxi. Below are my continuing updates!

February 2024
My first test was to make sure the sleep benefits I've received using PEMF continued even though I was using the Mini which is more for targeted applications. And that has been a success! Both sleeping deeper (according to my Garmin watch) and not waking up during the night.

Other observations: I love the portability! No cables, just like the BEMER Equine set. Plus I can fold it for even more targetted and stronger applications. My back was sore from a ride with lots of walk/trot transitions and folding the Kloud Mini to just work on my lower back was great. Plus I could choose a program (in this case Transform) that made sense for this issue.

I have also been able to target my feet for a totally new experiement. I've had some numbness in my toes for decades (owning a boarding facility with no helpers wearing cheap shoes were the start of that) and it seems to have started getting worse in the last couple years. I visited my doctor and there were no underlying causes like diabetes, but also nothing to be done, it's probably related to my poor circulation. But, and this is very interesting since nerves don't typically recover, I am experiencing periods where the numbness is gone! Particularly right after a session, but overall there seems to be more sensation in my toes throughout the day. I'm going to be paying close attention to this!

Another huge benefit of Kloud is that both the Maxi and the Mini can be placed in horse blankets for equine application. Since I have the Mini, I'm using the neck blanket. My mare strained a suspensory and she's held some tension in her neck that I want to minimize between her bodywork sessions. She seems to love the Kloud - which is saying a lot for her because she hates most things in the world including anything near her ears and velcro noises. We'll find out soon what the bodyworker thinks after her next session!

March 2024
I'm so thrilled! A new weapon in my arsenal for the couple horses I have that react badly to their vaccinations! Normally Csavannah and Topper are out of commission, can only shuffle slowly around, and have to have their food elevated for 3-5 days after vaccination. I got Csavannah done at the vet because she had another appointment and is needle phobic anyway. The day after her vax, she could barely walk and couldn't get her nose lower than chest level. So I did 15 minutes with the Kloud Mini PEMF device on the Balance program and 6 hours later, she was able to eat off the ground.

We did the rest of our horses ourselves around 11am. By 3pm Topper looked 100 years old and couldn't eat his afternoon snack out of his hay tub on the ground. I did a 15 minutes session and by feeding time at 6pm he could eat off the ground. I did another session thinking things could still be building up, but this morning he was still fine and performing his normal a$$holery moves! This will be a game changer for these two (they are related and all the others were fine).

August 2024
It's been a while since I've made updates, life has been trucking along with me using my Kloud Mini for myself, occasionally supporting some knee issues but also continuing to help my sleep schedule which has remained much better than years past. I use my Kloud Maxi on my horses and have worked on a mystery shoulder injury (which ended with Alamo doing a 50 at the AERC National Championship and garnering a comment that he was the soundest horse they'd seen all day due to surprising cold temp tightening other horses hindquarters).

But the second day of the NC set me up to finally really put the Kloud to the test. I entered the 25 mile Open ride on my youngster and 1 mile from the finish he ended up tangling with a root that broke and kept moving between his hind legs. He spun hard enough to fling me off onto my right side so fast that my left leg ended up in an instantaneous side split which broke my hip. It took a while to gather up all the details of my injuries since the focus was on my hip - and surgery to install 2 titanium rode. I also broke 5 ribs in 2 places each and damaged 4 lumbar vertebra in various ways.

I spent 6 days in the hospital partially due to my naturally low blood pressure but in the mean time my husband brought in my Kloud Mini. I was able to fold it to work on my ribs and vertebrae injuries and also lay it on top of my hip. 

Part of the reason we didn't realize the extent of my injuries was because I was experiencing very little pain. The hip was well stabilized and it definitely was difficult to move my body since the opposite side had the rib injuries but resting and minimal movements caused no pain. At two weeks out I'm using a walker only for minimal support and starting to use a cane (I could do more but PT wants me using my body as symmetrically as possible). And I've been off meds for over a week, taking no more than an aspirin in the morning and evening. I've started PT and have a goal of still going to a riding vacation in Croatia in October. I've already sat on a saddle stand and that position feels great! Just need to continue to build the strength so when the bones have healed I'm ready to go! A long shot for the vacation, but goals are great.

My Kloud protocol has been to use the Maxi in my big recliner which is the best supporting position for my spine injuries. I run 2 sessions back to back 4 times a day, using Energy and Transform in the morning, Transform during the day, and Transform and Relax in the evening. My sleep scores in the hospital were as low as 24 and have returned to mid 70s. Prior to the accident I was getting 90s which was 20 above my pre-Kloud days.

I'm quite convinced the Kloud is helping my soft tissue heal quickly and support all the fractures. My bones may heal faster, but I'm not pushing that. I just want my soft tissue ready to work when the skeleton says go!

Stay tuned for more!