Bargain Saddles & Acc!

Now that the Holidays are over, I will be removing some of the great bargains below and returning them to original prices. Others may remain and some might just keep dropping as I try to make space for 2025 Inventory plans. Email me at to ask any questions. And if there's something you're really looking for, there's a chance I have a slightly used one, so feel free to ask and I'll check.

Here are some great prices on new, nearly new, and used items. Take advantage of these fantastic, almost dealer cost prices! And FYI, there are some nice saddles available on the Used Customer Saddle page.

I also have a bunch of sale items including pads that were either demoed once and not returned clean or the style is no longer in production or I just have too many. The price of items includes shipping unless noted otherwise. The saddles are at a reduced price because they were on an extended demo or was one I used and then had to try a new model! To pay for a pad or the other misc items, go to  - enter your name, address, price (without $) and add to cart. If you want a saddle and don't need to demo because you already have one you can pay the listed price plus $50. If you need to demo (required if you haven't ridden your horse in a Ghost previously) then note the saddle description and go through the demo request program.

NOTE: I will do my best to remove an item as soon as it is paid for, but some of these will go fast so if you want to make sure, email me first, as well as with any product questions. If a pad doesn't have inserts, they are available for $25 in addition to the pad.

Please put the item in the comment box along with your address when you use the Invoice payment tool.


Ghost Westip girth - these slim girths are

perfect for horses that dislike bulk at the 
elbow. The Westip material is slightly stretchy
and very flexible and will mold and curve to
your horse's shape and motion.

Reg price $65 (lengths vary +/- 1cm so let 
me know if you want one slightly long or 
slightly short!)



incl S&H

Harry Dabbs Moon girth


incl S&H

TSF cinch - synthetic, cushy back side

Regular price $120


incl S&H

TSF anatomical girths inventory closeout.

I have several, so check with me on the sizes
I have left. 

Regular price $120


incl S&H

Ghost boot bag - velcros around the base

to keep contents from rubbing horse. Big
enough for a big Renegade boot.

Regular price $60


incl S&H

Ghost pommel bag (will work with other

saddles). Zipper, ties in center and ends 
for stability. Keeps all your long ride items
easily accessible. Synthetic materials with
blue accent

Regular price $60

Black & bluenewmicropell


Ghost purse! From the endless creativity

of the saddle maker - a horse themed
purse. Regular price $100.


incl S&H

Custom, handmade braided reins. These

reins are amazing. Everyone who holds 
them wants them. The paracord is pre-
washed so they don't shrink or stretch.
The buttons on this set (I have a few more)
are hunter green. These will never be made
again as the artist has passed away.

We originally sold these for $110, but have
reduced to $80 to sell remaining inventory
to return proceeds to the family.


incl S&H

Ghost small saddle bag - slim bag that

snaps on dees to side of cantle. Great for 
treats, hoof pick, chapstick or other small
non bulky items

10x7blacknewmicronappa--$35 incl

This is an 18"/Grande Buttera that I

ordered too quickly so my mistake . . .
Black micronappa with chrome studs,
patent leather cantle and micropell #81
purple accent accessories. Buy either the
whole set for $1350 or just the saddle
(I can swap the billet protectors to black)
for $1250 + S&H to your address. Save
almost $300!



Stunning purple Lorica pad with quilting

and vella fleece - the softest material
you'll ever put on your horse!

Brand new, ordered by mistake!
Worth over $275, sale price $150. Made
for a grande/18" Buttera, will also work 
for Quevis or other short flap models.
Can work for piccolo/17" saddles if you
prefer more pad in front/behind the saddle


New Stelvio (Tall) boots - Julia leather

size 38.5 european, standard width,
standard arch (orig price $300)

8-8.5blacknewJulia leather$200
Puro/Half pad17blacknewsympanova1cm$85
Quevis/short flap17blacknewsympanova1cmSOLD
Quevis/short flap17blacknewsympanovanone$70
Quevis/short flap17rednewsympanova2cm$90
Quevis/short flap17blackusedsympanovanone$65
Quevis/short flap17blackusedsympanova1cm$75
Quevis/short flap17blackusedsympanova1cm$75
Puro/Half pad17blacknewsympanova2cm$85
webbers, need 
stitching, manu-
facturing error.
These will not 
work on Ghost